Scope and regulated entities

Scope and regulated entities


1. This Decree provides for dutiable articles; application of export and import duties; deadlines for paying duties on exports and imports; exemption, reduction, refund of export and import duties.

2. This Decree applies to:

a) Taxpayers defined by the Law on Export and import duties;

b) Customs authorities and customs officials;

c) Organizations and individuals whose rights and obligations are relevant to exports and imports;

d) Organizations involved in implementation of the Law on Export and import duties.


Article 2. Dutiable articles


1. Goods exported and imported through Vietnam’s border and checkpoints.

2. Goods exported from the domestic market into export processing enterprises, export processing zones, tax-suspension warehouses, bonded warehouses and other free trade zones defined in Clause 1 Article 4 of the Law on Export and import duties; goods imported from export processing enterprises, export processing zones, tax-suspension warehouses, bonded warehouses and other free trade zones defined in Clause 1 Article 4 of the Law on Export and import duties into the domestic market.

3. Provisions of the Government’s Decree No. 08/2015/ND-CP dated January 21, 2015 shall apply to the exports delivered to domestic processors specified in Clause 3 Article 2 of the Law on Export and import duties.

4. Goods of an export processing enterprise which exercises its rights to export, import or distribution specified in Clause 3 Article 2 of the Law on Export and import duties are goods exported or imported by the export processing enterprise to exercise such rights in accordance with trading and investment laws.


Article 3. Application of export and import duties


1. Export and import duties shall be applied in accordance with Article 5, Article 6 and Article 7 of the Law on Export and import duties.

2. Where concessional rate of duty on an article specified in a concessional tariff schedule is lower than the special concessional rate specified in a special concessional tariff schedule, the former shall apply.

Where tax is paid according to a special concessional rate which is higher than a concessional rate on the same article, overpaid tax shall be dealt with in accordance with tax administration laws.

Article 4. Deadline for paying tax, duty payment guarantee and tax deposit

1. Deadlines for paying tax specified in Article 9 of the Law on Export and import duties are applied to dutiable exports and imports prescribed by tax laws.

2. Export and import duty payment guarantee is either a separate or joint guarantee.

a) Separate guarantee means guarantee of full payment of duty on an export/import declaration offered by a credit institution which operates under the Law on credit institutions;

b) Joint guarantee means guarantee of full payment of duty on more than one export/import declaration opened at one or more Sub-department of Customs offered by a credit institution which operates under the Law on credit institutions; Guaranteed amount of duty under a joint guarantee shall vary according to the amount of paid duty;

c) Where a credit institution (the guarantor) offers a separate guarantee or joint guarantee but the taxpayer has failed to pay duty and late payment interest (if any), the credit institution shall fully pay the duty and late payment interest owed by the taxpayer according to information on the customs information processing system or notification given by the customs authority;

d) Contents of a guarantee letter, submission, verification, monitoring and processing of guarantee letters shall comply with tax administration laws.

3. If case of depositing import duty on temporarily imported goods before the deadline for re-export, which might be extended, the taxpayer shall transfer an amount of money equal to the import duty on such temporarily imported goods to the customs authority’s deposit account at a State Treasury.

The deposit shall be returned in accordance with regulations of tax administration laws on return of overpaid taxes, late payment interest and fines.

4. Where temporarily imported goods are not re-exported by the deadline, the customs authority shall transfer the deposit to state budget. If there is a guarantee, the credit institution (the guarantor) shall transfer an amount equal to the import duty to state budget according to information on the customs information processing system or notification given by the customs authority.

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