Setup limited liability company in Vietnam

Setup a limited liability company in Vietnam (LLC) can be set up with only 1 shareholder. Who can be of any nationality and does not need to be resident in Vietnam. Our Clients will also need to appoint 1 director as the company’s legal representative. Who can be a foreigner but will then be required to

  • travel to Vietnam;
  • obtain a work permit and;
  • show evidence of 12 months of experience in a managing position.

Vinasc highly recommends appointing to such role a staff member residing or often traveling to Vietnam. If needed, Vinasc may also provide our Clients with

  • nominee resident director services and/or
  • assistance to apply for a work permit in Vietnam

Setup limited liability company in Vietnam

The Vietnam limited liability company

In order to complete incorporation, foreign-owned LLCs will be required to

  • open a capital account with a local bank, required for share capital injection and transfers of future earnings abroad; and
  • obtain approval for foreign investment certificates (FIC), required by the Vietnam government to allow foreigners to invest in Vietnam.

Approval of the FIC requires a minimum investment, commonly set at US$10,000 but which may be higher in some industries;

All Vietnamese LLCs are also required at incorporation to provide the authorities with

  • a registered address in Vietnam, which may be provided by Vinasc if needed and
  • a bank certificate of deposit for the amount of share capital, which will need to be transferred no later than 12 months after incorporation is complete;

Post incorporation, all foreign-owned LLCs must i) provide the authorities with an annual return and ii) submit annual audited financial statements, which are a prerequisite for any remittance of earnings to their parent company. If needed, Vinasc may also provide auditing service;

Best uses

A limited liability company is fit for more uses. The company can both trade with Vietnam and foreign customers, have local manufacturing operations and/or render services.